Expert Dog Training
We offer in home dog day training, private lessons, start right packages for new rescues and puppies, and teach cooperative care. Our focus is effective training for happiness for your dog and for your family as well as supportive and compassion care to resolve troubling behavior issues. We love to work with adult and senior dogs, too.
Services for Happy Dogs
We offer services to meet your needs and fit your schedule. Read more about our services or book an initial consult if you are ready to get started!
Dog Day Training - Homeschooling for Dogs. Let an expert train.
Private Lessons - Get an expert coach in your corner.
Cooperative Care - Teach your dog to participate in their care.
Rescue Pup Package - Get your pup off to the best start.
Puppy Plan - Set your pup up for a lifetime of success.
Keep Them Happy, Engaged, and Out of Trouble!
Stay and Train - in-home training and enrichment activities to keep skills sharp, keep dogs happy, and prevent boredom and troublesome behaviors
30 min
100 US dollars